

  1. 模型配置
  2. 训练配置
  3. 评估配置


model_config {

  # Model architecture can be chosen from:
  # ['resnet', 'vgg', 'googlenet', 'alexnet', 'mobilenet_v1', 'mobilenet_v2', 'squeezenet', 'darknet', 'googlenet']

  arch: "resnet"

  # for resnet --> n_layers can be [10, 18, 34, 50, 101]
  # for vgg --> n_layers can be [16, 19]
  # for darknet --> n_layers can be [19, 53]

  n_layers: 18
  use_bias: True
  use_batch_norm: True
  all_projections: True
  use_pooling: False
  freeze_bn: False
  freeze_blocks: 0
  freeze_blocks: 1

  # image size should be "3, X, Y", where X,Y >= 16
  input_image_size: "3,224,224"
  • arch:模型架构,比如resnet/vgg/alexnet/googlenet/mobilenet_v1/v2/squeezenet/darknet
  • n_layers:同一模型架构中可能存在多个变体,比如resent-18/34/50/101
  • use_bias:是否使用偏置值
  • all_projections:在残差结构中,是否对所有快捷连接使用1\times 1卷积进行过滤
  • use_pooling:下采样过程中,使用max pooling(最大池化)还是strided convolution(跨步卷积)。如果为true,则使用最大池化方法;如果为false,则使用跨步卷积方法。Nvidia推荐使用跨步卷积方式
  • freeze_bn:是否保留预训练模型的BN层参数不变
  • freeze_blocks:保留预训练模型的哪个块的参数不变
    • 对于resnet系列,可选数值为[0, 1, 2, 3]
    • 对于vggnet系列,可选数值为[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    • 对于mobilenet-v1,可选数值为[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
    • 对于mobilenet-v2,可选数值为[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
    • 对于googlenet,可选数值为[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
  • input_image_size:输入图像大小


train_config {
  train_dataset_path: "/path/to/your/train/data"
  val_dataset_path: "/path/to/your/val/data"
  pretrained_model_path: "/path/to/your/pretrained/model"
  # optimizer can be chosen from ['adam', 'sgd']

  optimizer: "sgd"
  batch_size_per_gpu: 256
  n_epochs: 80
  n_workers: 16

  # regularizer
  reg_config {
    type: "L2"
    scope: "Conv2D,Dense"
    weight_decay: 0.00005


  # learning_rate

  lr_config {

    # "step" and "soft_anneal" are supported.

    scheduler: "soft_anneal"

    # "soft_anneal" stands for soft annealing learning rate scheduler.
    # the following 4 parameters should be specified if "soft_anneal" is used.
    learning_rate: 0.005
    soft_start: 0.056
    annealing_points: "0.3, 0.6, 0.8"
    annealing_divider: 10
    # "step" stands for step learning rate scheduler.
    # the following 3 parameters should be specified if "step" is used.
    # learning_rate: 0.006
    # step_size: 10
    # gamma: 0.1

    # "cosine" stands for soft start cosine learning rate scheduler.
    # the following 2 parameters should be specified if "cosine" is used.
    # learning_rate: 0.05
    # soft_start: 0.01

  • train_config:指定了训练过程中的学习率调度、正则化、优化器以及数据和模型的路径
    • train_dataset_path:训练数据集所在目录
    • val_dataset_path:验证数据集所在目录
    • pretrained_model_path:预训练模型所在目录
    • optimizer:优化器,可选sgd或者adam
    • batch_size_per_gpu:每个gpu的批量大小
    • n_epochs:迭代次数
    • n_workers:工作线程
    • reg_config:配置了正则化器相关参数
      • type:正则化方法,可选L1/L2/None
      • scope:适用于哪种类型层
      • weight_decay:权重衰减率
    • lr_config:学习率调度


eval_config {
  eval_dataset_path: "/path/to/your/eval/data"
  model_path: "/path/to/your/model"
  top_k: 3
  conf_threshold: 0.5
  batch_size: 256
  n_workers: 8
  • eval_dataset_path:测试集所在目录
  • model_path:训练模型路径
  • top_k:取前k个结果进行判断
  • conf_threshold:置信度阈值
  • batch_size:批量操作大小
  • n_workers:工作线程


model_config {
  arch: "resnet",
  n_layers: 18
  # Setting these parameters to true to match the template downloaded from NGC.
  use_batch_norm: true
  all_projections: true
  freeze_blocks: 0
  freeze_blocks: 1
  input_image_size: "3,224,224"
train_config {
  train_dataset_path: "/workspace/tlt-experiments/data/split/train"
  val_dataset_path: "/workspace/tlt-experiments/data/split/val"
  pretrained_model_path: "/workspace/tlt-experiments/classification/pretrained_resnet18/tlt_pretrained_classification_vresnet18/resnet_18.hdf5"
  optimizer: "sgd"
  batch_size_per_gpu: 64
  n_epochs: 80
  n_workers: 16

  # regularizer
  reg_config {
    type: "L2"
    scope: "Conv2D,Dense"
    weight_decay: 0.00005

  # learning_rate
  lr_config {
    scheduler: "step"
    learning_rate: 0.006
    #soft_start: 0.056
    #annealing_points: "0.3, 0.6, 0.8"
    #annealing_divider: 10
    step_size: 10
    gamma: 0.1
eval_config {
  eval_dataset_path: "/workspace/tlt-experiments/data/split/test"
  model_path: "/workspace/tlt-experiments/classification/output/weights/resnet_080.tlt"
  top_k: 3
  batch_size: 256
  n_workers: 8